2016 Spring / Summer Newsletter

June 1, 2016

In this issue: • “Gifts of the Glacier” LCT Annual Meeting   • Oak Hill Tophet Chasm – Littleton’s Grand Natural Wonder   • LCTV Video On Demand – Virtual Walks and

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Great time for a walk

May 24, 2016

LCT Trustee Rick Findlay shared these photos of wildflowers he saw while out walking. This time of year the flora and fauna are active and make for many interesting sights

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Accessing LCTV On Demand

May 21, 2016

Accessing LCTV shows on Littleton Conservation Trails and Littleton Geology There are two programs available on Littleton Community Television that focus on Littleton Conservations Trails and Local Geology. They are

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Master Plan Visioning Session on June 13th

May 21, 2016

A Master Plan Visioning Session is planned for June 13, 2016 at 6pm at the Russell Street School. Dinner and childcare are available and everyone who attends will be entered

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Boston Interiors supports NEFF

May 20, 2016

Boston Interiors strives to be an environmentally responsible retailer. They offer eco-friendly products from suppliers that are member of the The Forestry Stewardship Council, The Sustainable Forestry Initiative and The

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Oak Hill and Tophet Chasm

May 19, 2016

Bill Vales presented “Hidden Treasures: Oak Hill and Tophet Chasm, Littleton’s Grand Natural Wonder” on May 14, 2016 as part of Freedom’s Way Natural Heritage’s series of Hidden Treasures events. Here are

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Hidden Treasures Event

May 6, 2016

Regular visitors to the LCT website already know about the May 14th Hidden Treasures event that took place at Oak Hill Conservation Area. Hidden Treasures features many events in many

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Bald Eagle spotted on Mill Pond

April 8, 2015

David Whitcomb reported that several residents have seen a Bald Eagle on Mill Pond. LCT Trustee Fran Meyers has also confirmed multiple sightings.

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New England’s Plants

March 27, 2015

The New England Wild Flower Society’s “The State of Plants” report is now available. According to the report, 22% of our native species are rare or possibly extinct and non-native

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New England Garlic Mustard Pull

February 24, 2015

What: A collaborative effort, in partnership with the The Stewardship Network in the Great Lakes region, to restore and protect natural ecosystems. The goal is to encourage people to get

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Renewal Time

December 12, 2014

Winter and the changing of the year are a time of renewal in many ways and there is no better way to renew one’s energy and perspective than by spending

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Busy beavers drop tree on Bumble Bee Lane

September 30, 2014

On September 30, 2014, a birch tree in the Bumblebee Meadows conservation area fell onto Bumblebee Lane. It appears the cause was one or more beavers. LCT volunteer, and trail

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