Donate to Littleton Conservation Trust
Littleton Conservation Trust (LCT) is a registered 501(c)(3) organization. Your donation may be tax deductible. Your generosity is appreciated.
100% of your donation will help us further our mission to promote Littleton’s rural character; to preserve its water, plant, and wildlife resources and its unique views; and to provide environmental education. All LCT staff are volunteers who donate their time and resources.
You can also donate to LCT’s Land Acquisition Fund to support land purchases in Littleton for conservation.
Membership Donations
Members donate annually to help us sustain our mission. Membership donations can be made at individual, family, friend, supporter, patron, benefactor or custom levels.
Membership Renewals
You can renew through the membership donation options below by using the same email address as in past years1. Thank you for your support.
Littleton Conservation Trust sincerely appreciates your generous support of our mission. We hope you enjoy Littleton’s many conservation lands and trails and welcome your feedback through the “Contact Us” form on this website or by contacting any of our trustees or land stewards.
1) Using the same email address allows us to appreciate how many years you have been a member but is not required.