Invasive Species Management
Notice to Littleton Residents
July 30, 2024Volunteer Opportunity: Adopt a Trail in Littleton! The Town of Littleton needs your help to keep our local trails well-maintained and safe for everyone. You have probably noticed recently, that
Weed Warrior Invasive Species Training
July 17, 2024Everyone is invited to join in this worthwhile conservation effort. On Saturday, July 27th, the Town of Littleton in conjunction with the Littleton Conservation Trust and Sudbury Valley Trustees, will
Pull this plant: Garlic Mustard
April 12, 2023Garlic Mustard is an invasive species that takes over by poisoning the soil with toxins that prevent native plants. The best time to pull it is right now before it
Pull Garlic Mustard in Autumn
November 6, 2022Littleton Conservation Trust continues to recruit volunteers to control the spread of invasive plant species. Our current top priority is stopping the spread of Garlic Mustard, one of the most
Garlic Mustard Update — time to bag it up
May 29, 2022From LCT Trustee and invasive species guru Rick Findlay: Many thanks to all who have been helping our effort to control Garlic Mustard on conservation lands and throughout town. Plants
June 30, 2020ATTENTION: Please read this notice from Rick Findlay, Invasive Plant Control Coordinator, Littleton Conservation Trust To all who reported and helped out this year, we finally have a place to
Report Garlic Mustard and other invasive species
March 23, 2020Help us map the invasive species in Littleton and, optionally, help us eradicate these invasives. Garlic Mustard is our current focus but report any invasives so we can map them
January 4, 2020Littleton Conservation Trust (LCT) News Trustee Rick Findlay manages LCT’s Invasive Control Program. Littleton is not immune to the rampant destruction caused by invasive plants such as Mile-a-Minute vine, Glossy
SVT’s Approach to Invasive Plant Management
October 6, 2019Invasive species are the second greatest threat to biodiversity, second only to direct habitat destruction. This SVT paper provides information on their general approach to invasive plant management and some
Invasive Black Swallow Wort in Littleton
July 2, 2018LCT Vice President and invasive species management advocate Rick Findlay spotted Black Swallow Wort in Littleton recently and is asking for your help in spotting and eliminating this invasive plant
Be on the lookout: Narrowleaf Bittercress
June 8, 2018Narrowleaf Bittercress (Cardamine impatiens), a fast moving, invasive species has been spotted in Littleton. If you see this particular plant, pull it and let us know where you found it.