Notice to Littleton Residents

July 30, 2024

Volunteer Opportunity: Adopt a Trail in Littleton! The Town of Littleton needs your help to keep our local trails well-maintained and safe for everyone. You have probably noticed recently, that

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Introducing the LCT Land Acquisition Fund

November 15, 2023

During Town Meeting on November 1st, 2023, Article 20 – Conservation Commission Appropriation & Borrowing Authorization Purchase of Webster Property – was narrowly defeated. The vote to purchase 36.5 acres

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36 acre Conservation Opportunity Failed at Town Meeting

October 24, 2023

Updated 11/15/2023: Littleton Conservation Trust endorsed the acquisition of Lyle Webster’s 36+ acres on Bulkeley Road. The town’s purchase of this property was on the warrant for the November 1st

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Level 3 Drought

August 12, 2022

Massachusetts Drought Status From CISMA-SuAsCo Due to five months of below normal rainfall, Energy and Environmental Affairs (EEA) Secretary Bethany Card declared a Level 3 – Critical Drought in the

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Please Help Us Defeat Invasive Garlic Mustard in Littleton

May 19, 2021

Littleton Conservation Trust Trustees Rick Findlay and Andrew Sammarco are recruiting a volunteer work group to control the spread of invasive plant species. Organizing a group of volunteers has been

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Vote to Protect and Preserve Brown’s Woods at Special Town Meeting in October

September 25, 2020

Town Meeting has been moved to Sunday, October 18th at 10:00am. Also, note that this was referred to as Article 8 in the LCT Newsletter and on lawn signs around

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MVP Grant Awarded to Land Acquisition Project in Littleton

September 17, 2020

On September 15, the State announced the latest round of Municipal Vulnerability Preparedness Action Grants, including a $763,000 award to the Town of Littleton for purchase of, and invasive species

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Surveyor Activity at Sarah Doublet Forest

April 2, 2020

Do not be alarmed if you see surveyor activity at Sarah Doublet Forest this Spring. Littleton Conservation Trust has engaged the services of David E. Ross Associates to survey the

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Donate Now: Ensure the Smith Land is always open

October 24, 2018

LCT and SVT are working together to save the Edith and Paul Smith property (excerpted from story in LCT’s Fall 2018 Newsletter) Donate to help SVT acquire the Smith Land

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Provide Your Input: Statewide Comprehensive Outdoor Recreation Plan

September 21, 2017

The National Park Service requires the Commonwealth of Massachusetts to complete a Statewide Comprehensive Outdoor Recreation Plan every five years to remain eligible for funding from the Land and Water

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