SVT Acquires Smith Property

Black Pond on the Smith property
Black Pond on the Smith Property

On February 15, 2019, Sudbury Valley Trustees (SVT) acquired the Smith Property, a spectacular 49-acre property on Whitcomb Avenue in Littleton. 

The property boasts expansive views of Beaver Brook Marsh and Black Pond, and it provides valuable habitat for numerous species, including bobcat, bear, coyote, and porcupine, all of which have recently been spotted on the land.

In addition to our acqusition, the Town of Harvard’s Conservation Commission purchased the 12 acres of the Smith Property that sit on the Harvard side of the town line. Going forward, SVT will manage the combined 61 acres. 

SVT thanks the many individuals and foundations who contributed to our fundraising efforts, which included a crowdfunding campaign in November 2018.

SVT also thanks the Littleton Conservation Trust (LCT) for its support of the project. The LCT will continue to hold a conservation restriction over the property to ensure its ecological values are preserved.

SVT is currently working on a management plan and have sought input and advice from Harvard and Littleton residents. In addition, we will be conducting a BioBlitz environmental survey in June to catalog the species that live on the land. Everyone is invited to help!

More information at the Sudbury Valley Trustees website